Kenya Forex Firm was created as a place where aspiring forex traders in Kenya could actualize their dreams of becoming financially stable and successful.

We understand the need for all of us to become rich, to actualize our dreams and to give our families the kind of lifestyle that they deserve, but is it really possible to become rich when trading forex? Can you quit your daytime job to concentrate purely on forex trading?

From a personal perspective, trading the online forex market with the goal of becoming rich is the wrong approach. Granted that you can become rich trading the online forex market, but getting into the industry with the sole aim of becoming rich is a sure recipe for losses. You will make a lot of mistakes trying to become rich as quickly as you can.

The key to becoming rich in forex trading is to master and muster the psychology of trading. You’ll need to set aside the notions and plans you have so that you can competitively take what the market has to offer. Learning a forex trading system or strategy is not hard at all. The real difficulty lies in mastering the patience and the ability to react appropriately, without emotion interfering with your judgment.

Here is a simple strategy to gain wealth trading forex. Start with a $200 account. Trade with a mini account. Make sure that you win more than you lose, build onto this balance, and add more as you go along.

However, my ultimate advice is to learn how to trade on a demo account before moving onto a live account. Make sure that you only open a demo account with an actual amount that you would open a live account with. Making the switch from a demo to a live account with larger amounts is hard for new traders since you are no longer playing with virtual money, but putting your hard-earned cash at risk.

Risk Management

Mastering risk management is a key ingredient to becoming a successful forex trader in Kenya. If you want to become rich trading the forex market, you must know how to manage your risks. In fact, I’d recommend that your whole forex trading strategy be built around learning how to manage risks. You’ll have to live it, breath it, dream it, and internalize it.